
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Change of Plans

The Mr. and I took Avery camping this weekend. Not only was it a chance to relax for a couple of days, it was an opportunity to nurse her as much as she needed without any distractions. It went really well on Saturday and Sunday was not as good but still very successful.

I also had an idea about my goals as far as breastfeeding and I think that I can show my progress in a better way. I was thinking last night that breastfed babies don't have specific meals (when compared to those who are formula fed) so factoring in how many meals of formula she is no longer having isn't going to work so well. Instead, I figured that I can chart how many ounces she eats every day and then look at our progress for the week. So, every weekend, I'll be adding our progress to the blog with a chart. Hopefully this gives me an idea of how much she is getting from me rather than from formula.

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